Archimedes streaked through streets shouting out the insight he had just had while in a bath to solve the King’s question. Some call this experience an epiphany or an “aha” moment. Mine was simply an intelligently organized “cohesive insight” from 6 months of research and one week of meditation. And thankfully, I didn’t streak anywhere!
54 years ago, I hadn’t yet started my architectural thesis at Pratt Institute, which a year later produced the design for a Messianic Temple in Jerusalem. I have been hoping to “publish” this cohesive 5D insight, while also spending the intervening years as a practicing architect wondering if anyone else “saw” what I did. Occasionally a few mentions of a Fifth Dimension here and there. Some physicists claim 26 dimensions (as per Bosonic String theory), but their “3D space” incorporates about 10 of them. They’re not “fake news” – these physicists just look at things differently than I.
But what I saw was different; it did not involve advanced mathematics and was benevolently presented to me to improve my understanding of the true nature Light and Life. What I saw indicated there are 5 Dimensions and that’s it! There are no more fundamentally different dimensions, and when you come to understand the 5th Dimension – you’ll see why. In case you’re concerned, I might add that understanding this simple geometry which anyone can “get” – IF they’re open to the possibility – you might find that it clarifies for you many aspects of your life.
The Basic Building Block of Reality
A new start can also be seen as a mid-course correction, which sometimes IS simply the better thing to do. It’s a detour from the current trajectory of some enterprise, or even your life, to improve the previously expected outcome. Like on a gravel road, suddenly seeing we can now take a 6 lane highway (which was only a cowpath 54 years ago), to speed things up (we will discuss speed and acceleration when we look at 4D stuff). The ability to “see” anew, and not reject the past use of our time, is just as refreshing as waking up from a 54 year dream and seeing a new way to go.
What we see is not just a new road. What we “see” is a new idea to improve our situation. We don’t see it with eyeballs but within our minds. This “aha” idea presents an alternative route To summarize, a new awakening, a new start, a new perspective, always begins with the basic building block: a new IDEA, it’s the point I’m making. That’s the POINT of all this: the idea is the building block.
The Geometry
“Point” is the absolutely smallest component of any geometric system. Interestingly enough, a point cannot be measured! It has no thickness; it’s not “this round” or “that wide.” It just is. Like an insightful idea, you can’t measure it, other than to understand in your mind that a great idea can change the course of Mighty Forces of your Life! The (new) idea is how all things begin! So let’s put a point on a piece of paper.
Now, place another point near the first one.

Draw a line between the two dots. You can now measure the line, though you couldn’t measure the point. “So what’s the big deal??” Well, the basic principle of ALL SCIENCE is to measure (and therefore potentially know all about) things, even the mere line we have just drawn. It’s the 1st (possible) Dimension.
A line, we all know, has but one dimension, length. We think of it as a linear dimension. All this started because we decided to know all we could find about the relationship between two points. We can’t know anything about the points themselves since they are not measurable [going abstract here, stay with me] but we can know all about the distance between the two points which is in (what we call) our “real world.”
In Conclusion
- In our minds, we can “see” an idea – but there is no-thing” that can be measured.
- We can measure the line we drew on the real piece of paper, which is in the real world.
- You must agree that a line was drawn, but you may not agree at all with what my points (ideas) mean to me.
- THIS is how the design of a Cathedral starts!
The POINT of all this is that the IDEA is the basic building block of all things in our perceived world. It’s smaller than a quark and defies measurement except in it’s relationship to other points.
My eyeballs can see the lines, but only my mind can see the points at either end of the line.
The First Dimension deals only with things that relate linearly. But the World is not linear! We will look at more complex creations with additional “Dimensions” so they too can be understood.
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