I was pleasantly surprised and presently went looking for images for this Defenselessness theme. There were a plethora of images that were ACIM themed. it makes me feel like this way of thinking taught in ACIM is spreading and growing.
In the Manual for Jesus describes how we can be set free by our defenselessness.
God’s teachers have learned how to be simple. They have no dreams that need defense against the truth. They do not try to make themselves. Their joy comes from their understanding Who created them. And does what God created need defense? No one can become an advanced teacher of God until he fully understands that defenses are but foolish guardians of mad illusions. The more grotesque the dream, the fiercer and more powerful its
defenses seem to be. Yet when the teacher of God finally agrees to look past them, he finds that nothing was there. Slowly at first he lets himself be undeceived. But he learns faster as his trust increases. It is not danger that comes when defenses are laid down. It is safety. It is peace. It is . And it is God.
There was so much to read here we spent our whole time looking at this one paragraph. He starts out with telling us our path will be simple when we realize we are already teaching, the confusion of the ego left behind, there will be fewer ways for the ego to trip us up.
Mad Illusions
Defenses are foolish guardians of mad illusions
My favorite line reminds me that my defensiveness is only arguing that the ego’s illusion is real. The ego thinks it needs to protect fragile little treasure, but that’s the illusion… we are not an ego, the thing we naturally think is us. We are one with God, part of him, holy and innocent. Every one of us without exception.
Relax in your Safety, Peace and Joy.
It is not danger that comes when defenses are laid down. It is safety. It is peace. It is joy.
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