A Course of Love 2023

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A Course of Love

I and sometimes we read live daily at 6:30 AM EST (11:30 UCT) from the Author’s sequel to A Course of Miracles: A Course of Love in Clubhouse; in the Miracles and Love House. The Course of Love has offered the first 24 chapters free as a PDF. (The Kindle version is less than $10.) You can Join us on Facebook too.

DayA Course of Love (ACOL) Chapter {Linked to the recording of the live Clubhouse room} (visitors)
7/21The Epilog: A Note on Being.
Learnign in the Time of Christ — Part Three
Dialog Unveiled
. (55)
7/20The Dialogs Day 40: Who You Are to Me; with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. (116)
7/19The Dialogs Day 39: Who I Am to You, Reading and discussion. Full text of Day 39 (58)
7/18The Dialogs Day 38: Who I Am (50)
7/17The Dialogs Day 37: A New Idea of God and the Full Text (90)
7/16The Dialogs Day 36: Who You Are in Unity and Relationship {Full Text} (84)
7/15The Dialogs Day 35: Being a Creator in Unity and Relationship (85)
7/14The Dialogs Day 34: Saying Yes to Power (77)
7/13The Dialogs Day 33: Being in Relationship (Full Text); with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. (151)
7/12The Dialogs Day 32: The Experience of the Self and the Power of God
7/11The Dialogs Day 31: Joining (JIL group info PDF) Joining Group
7/10The Dialogs Day 30: Yielding to Wholeness; with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse. (106)
7/9The Dialogs Day 29: The Common Denominator of Experience (69)
7/8The Dialogs Day 28: From Externally to Internally Directed Life Experience (78)
7/7The Dialogs Day 27: The Apprehension of Levels of Experience (47)
7/6The Dialogs Day 26: Self-Guidance; with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. (151)
7/5The Dialogs Day 25: Tending Your Garden (72)
7/4The Dialogs Day 23 & 24: Carrying & Potential (77)
2-Year Anniversary of our daily room.
7/3The Dialogs Day 22: Channeling; with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse. (86)
7/2The Dialogs Day 21: The Reversal (102)
7/1The Dialogs Day 20: The First Transition (90)
6/30The Dialogs Day 19: The Way of Mary (66)
6/29The Dialogs Day 18: The Way to Paradice; with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. (185)
6/28The Dialogs Day 17: The Fulfillment of the Way of Jesus (97)
6/27The Dialogs Day 16: Paradise Re-Found Full Text (72)
6/26The Dialogs Day 15: Entering the Dialog with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse. (140)
6/25The Dialogs Day 14: Healing (85)
6/24The Dialogs Day 13: Union with the Spacious Self (101)
6/23The Dialogs Day 12: The Spacious Self Joined in Relationship and you can read it here.
6/22The Dialogs Day 11: Christ-Consciousness; with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. (132)
6/21The Dialogs Day 10: Power and this is the full text of Power.(69)
6/20The Dialogs Day 9: Freedom! (66)
6/19The Dialogs Day 8: Accept the Present with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse. (109)
6/18The Dialogs Day 7: Conditions of the Time of Acceptance (77)
6/17The Dialogs Day 6: The Time In Between (71)
6/16The Dialogs Day 5: Access to Unity (74)
6/15The Dialogs Day 4: The New Temptations; with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. This is the Day 4 Full Text (147)
6/14The Dialogs Day 3: Accept Abundance; Day 3 full text (101)
6/13The Dialogs Day 2: Accept yourself (68)
6/12The Dialogs Day 1: Accept Me with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse. Day One Full Text. (93)
6/11Chapter 17: The Secret of Succession (60)
6/1016: From Image to Presence (71)
6/915: Becoming and the Principles of Creation (71)
6/814: New Frontiers Beyond the Body and Mind, Form and Time with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse. This is the full text of this 14th chapter. (168)
6/713: Sharing and a Refinement of Your Means of Expressing What You Know (68)
6/612: The Body and Your Thoughts (89)
6/511: The Return to Unity and the End of Thought As You Know It with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse
6/410: The Goal and the Accomplishment of the Elevated Self of Form (63)
6/39: Awareness that Does Not Come from Thought (67)
6/28: The Territory of Conscious Awareness Full Text for Chapter 8 (59)
5/31 6/17: Time and the Experience of Transformation with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse Full Text for Chapter 7 (76)
5/306: The Body and the Elevation of Form (65)
5/295: True Representation Full Text for Chapter 5. (100)
5/284: The New You
5/273: The Covenant of the New (73)
5/262: Acceptance and Denial: 2.1 You are now asked to do two things simultaneously: To accept the new and to deny the old. Acceptance is a willingness to receive. Obviously, when you consider this definition of acceptance, you will see that this is not the way of the old. Willingness to receive is quite contrary to the attitudes and actions with which you have led your life thus far. You were told within A Course of Love that willingness was all that was necessary for you to be able to take this Course into your heart and let it return you to your true identity. Those of you who found within this willingness an ability to receive and left behind your effort to “learn” this Course, began the work that is being continued here, the work of replacing the old patterns of learning with the new pattern of acceptance.

2.2 To deny is to refuse to accept as true or right that which you know is not true or right. This is the denial of insanity in favor of the acceptance of sanity, the denial of the false for the acceptance of the true. Although you are called to these two actions simultaneously—the action of acceptance and the action of denial—it can thus be seen that they are, in truth, one and the same action, just as means and end, cause and effect are one. You are asked to accept or receive the truth of who you are and the revelations that will show you how to live as who you are within the world—and you are asked to refuse to accept who you are not and the ways of life that allowed you to live within the world as a false self.
Perron, Mari. A Course of Love: Combined Volume (p. 372). Take Heart Publications. Kindle Edition.
5/25The Dialogs of A Course of Love, Book Three. Chapter 1: Acceptance of the State of Grace of the Newly Identified Child of God with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse.

Prayer from the chapter:

I am my Christ Self.
I dwell in unity.
My identity is certain.
This is the truth.
I am not less than I once was, but more.
Where once I was empty, I now am full.
Where once I dwelt in darkness I now dwell in the light.
Where once I had forgotten Now I remember who I Am.
Now I go forth To live as who I Am within the world To make cause and effect as one, and
Union with the Source of love and all creation the reality.

1.15 These Dialogues are for everyone because we exist in unity with everyone. No one will be forced to join our conversation. Only those listening will be ready to hear. Only those ready to hear will listen. Remember that you cannot be taught what unity would freely give. The goal is no longer learning. The goal is accepting the identity that has always been yours and that has newly been revealed and returned to your remembrance. To “know” and not accept what you “know” to be the truth is a continuation of the pattern of insanity that must be replaced with a pattern of sanity.

Perron, Mari. A Course of Love: Combined Volume (p. 369). Take Heart Publications. Kindle Edition.
5/2411: A Prelude to The Dialogues: The last chapter of the treatises, introduces the third and final book of the volume A Course of Love.
5/2310: Creating Anew & The End of Learning and the Sustainability of Christ-Consciousness This is really the end of the treatises, and this 4th treatise was amazing! Truly an opportunity to awaken to our God within each of us.
5/229: Beyond Learning with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse
5/218: To Come to Know
5/207: An End To Learning
5/196: A New Choice
5/185: The Energy of Creation and the Body of Christ
5/174: The Inheritance of Everlasting Life
5/163: Natural Vision
5/152: Shared Vision
5/144th Treatise: A Tritice on the New; 1: All Are Chosen
5/1322: The True Self in Observable Form
5/1221: The Identity of the True Self
5/1120: Suffering and Observance with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse
5/1019: Physical Reality
5/918: Observation
5/817: A Mistake in Learning with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse
5/716: Willingness, Temptation, and Belief
5/615: The New Beginning
5/514: Not Other Than Who You Are
5/413: The Practice: No Loss But Only Gain with the Sustainability Leadership House on Clubhouse
5/312: The Physical Self in the House of Truth in our house
5/211: The Temptations of the Human Experience in our house
5/110: An Exercise in Forgetting with the Global Autism Awareness House on Clubhouse
4/309: To Dwell in the House of Truth
4/298: The House of Truth
4/287: The Explosion of Belief
4/276: The Desire for Reward in Sustainability Leadership.
4/265: Original Purpose
4/254: The Dismantling of Illusion
4/243: The True Self
4/232: The Purpose of Representation
4/223rd Treatise: A Treatise on the personal self; Chapter 1: True and False Representation
4/2112: The Belief: Correction and Atonement & 13:The Final Call
4/2011: The Belief: We Exist in Relationship and Unity & we start with Jesus’ statement & 13:The Final Call
4/1910: The Belief: We Only Learn in Unity & we start with Jesus’ statement & 13:The Final Call
4/189: The Belief: There Is No Loss But Only Gain
4/178: The Belief: No Relationships are Special
4/167: The Belief: Giving and Receiving as One
4/156: The Belief: Accomplishment
4/145: The Source of Your Call
4/134: The Call to Who You Are
4/122nd Treatise: A Treatise on The Nature of Unity and its Recognition: Chapter 1: Treasure & Chapter 2: To Hear the Call
4/1110: Peace: Not recorded because Clubhouse changed the way they set up rooms
4/109: Giving and Receiving
4/97: Suffering and the New Learning 8: Incarnation and Resurrection
4/86: The Act of Prayer
4/75: The Choice for Love
4/64: The Center of the Universe
4/53: The Call to the Miracle
4/42: The Art of Thought
4/3Book Two: The First Instruction
4/232: Love returned to Love
4/131: The Nature of the Mind
3/3130: Being Present
3/3029: Attention
3/2928: Bearing Witness
3/2827: Being
3/2726: The Full Life; World Autism week kicks off that ends with World Autism Day, we join in
3/2625: Devotion as a Type of Participation
3/2524: The Time of Tenderness; We delve into Autism and how to be tender with others
3/2423: The Freedom of the Body
3/2322: The Intersection
3/2221: Love Is; The best definition of Love in this course & Jordan’s Dad Arrives.
3/2120: The Embrace
3/2019: Oneness and Duality
3/1918: The Mind Engaged
3/1817: Conscious Non-Planning; How to flow through your day.
3/1716: What You Choose instead
3/1615: The Special Self
3/1514: Special Relationships, Early and human
3/1413: Observation and Separation
3/1312: Origin of Separation
3/1211: Free Will and Willingness
3/1110: Use and Understanding
3/109: The Prodical’s Return
3/99: The Prodigal’s Return
3/88: The Separation from the Body
3/77: Withholding
3/66: Forgiveness/Joining
3/55: Relationship
3/44: Love’s Equity
3/33: The First Lesson
3/22: What Love Is
3/11: A Course of Love
2/27-2/28The Introduction
Guide to where we are in the book






One response to “A Course of Love 2023”

  1. […] Course of Love, CHAPTER 14: New Frontiers Beyond the Body and Mind, Form and Time. From A Course of Love: Combined Volume (pp. 419-421). Take Heart Publications. Kindle Edition. […]

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